Municipal Ombudsman promotional gift

relatiegeschenk Gemeentelijke Ombudsman, Gemeente Amsterdam

Game concept, artwork & production

City of Amsterdam 


Relatiegeschenk Toolkit Gemeentelijke Ombudsman burger


A special promotional gift to commemorate 20 years of the Municipal Ombudsman. This set of cards makes playful reference to the requirements for reasonable conduct (i.e. standards) that the ombudsman uses to work and conduct assessments.

Relatiegeschenk Gemeentelijke Ombudsman


Complex legal concepts have been translated into imaginary products reminiscent of the world of TelSell and Amazing Discoveries: 

Relatiegeschenk Gemeentelijke Ombudsman


This playful approach, with its slightly tongue-in-cheek perspective, is intended to arouse curiosity. The concrete information on the reverse side of the card serves as a reference guide, and explains the standards in more detail. These standards provide a good understanding of the demands made on the public official, who deals with citizens with a service-oriented approach. 

Relatiegeschenk spel Gemeentelijke Ombudsman


And of course the game component has not been forgotten: the kit contains a number of cases for the ombudsman which people can use as practice material. The report reference numbers on the cards allow people to check online which of the standards the ombudsman applied when assessing the each case.